

The Public Water Supply District #2 of Harrison County policy states that the customer is responsible for his/her own water lines. This consists of the lines from the meter to the house or outlying buildings or hydrants. The District is responsible for the main line up to and including the meter. The amount of water that goes through the meter will be billed to the customer for monthly water charges.

The customer is encouraged to check the meter occasionally to make sure they do not have a leak. This can be done by lifting the lid on the meter well and the protective lid on the meter (make sure to put the lid securely back on the meter well when finished). Make sure all water is off at the house including washing machines, dishwasher, toilets, outside hydrants etc. Look on the face of the meter at the leak indicator, which is the little red star on the manual meters, you may have to watch for several minutes. If you see any movement of the leak indicator or the number changes while you are watching, you will have a leak.

Some customers will have the digital meter which can be read by holding your thumb over the little round crystal for 5 seconds. It will tell you if there is a leak by providing a number which indicates how many gallons per minute it is leaking. If it reads “0” then there is not a leak.

The District does not offer leak adjustments but if you have a large leak and need to make payments, please contact the office to make arrangements prior to the 15th of the month.